The Law Firm of Figeroux & Associates is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The unpaid internship program is offered in our downtown Brooklyn office, where we conduct a diverse practice specializing in Matrimonial Law.
Our general practice also includes:
•IMMIGRATION — Family & Employment-based
•REAL ESTATE transactions
•BANKRUPTCY — Chapter 7, 13 & 11.
Successful candidate(s) will gain experience in all aspects of LAW PRACTICE under direct attorney supervision and will receive training in:
•Writing Legal Memos on Motions for Summary Judgment, Motions to Dismiss, Temporary Restraining Orders, PI, Attachment.
•Training in ECF, PACER, NYSCEF, and more.
•Interviewing Clients, Court Appearances.
•Working with government agencies.
•Drafting Complaints, Answers, Affirmative Defenses & Counterclaims.
•Conducting Discovery, such as Automatic Disclosures, Interrogatories, Requests for Document Production, Deposition Appearance.
•Promoting law firm on social media.
Great Opportunity for
•Paralegal and Legal Marketing Students.
•Recent law school graduate or law student looking to obtain crucial experience in above specialty work in a competitive market or to apply to future careers.
•An attorney from a foreign state with limited knowledge about NY/Fed practice.
•Gain hands-on legal experience in a fast-paced law firm with experienced attorneys and staff. Mentors will work one-and-one with intern, and interns will be assigned tasks most geared to their interest.
•Interns can also receive academic credit under school program, and a letter of recommendation upon request and successful completion.
•Fluency in foreign languages such as Spanish is a plus.
How to Apply
Fill out the form below: